
  • Las Vegas

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Serial entrepreneur and community innovator with a deep passion for family, food, travel, and the outdoors.

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Places to Eat & Drink


I’ve been in Las Vegas for 40 years, and have kept my finger on the pulse of this city through my deep connections in the hospitality industry. During my free time, I mountain bike, take street photography, and make overly-produced family videos with my kids and a Nikon mirrorless camera I take everywhere. About 25% of my time is spent traveling for business and I'm an old-school, old-world, luxury hospitality guy who finds it sad that bathtubs aren't standard in hotels anymore. In fact, you can tell a lot about a hotel based on the quality of their bathrobes, and I've realized I'll take a hotel with history over a trendy and chic boutique hotel any day.

My family has deep roots in Las Vegas and I’ve seen firsthand how this city has changed and grown through the years. I’m actively involved in the community and always make a point to welcome small business owners and newcomers with open arms. Vegas is a transitional town, and I’d love to see it become more generational as it continues to grow. I can’t imagine a better place to raise my family and I’d like to have a hand in making this city even better.

Age range



Street Photography, Family Time, Mountain Biking



A - Lister Qualifications

We tapped Seth for his deep knowledge of all things Vegas hospitality. He's seen the city evolve from a handful of nice resorts in the middle of a Nevada desert, to the bustling entertainment mecca that it is today. Hospitality is in his blood, and as a child, Seth spent his days running around reception desks and through the back of the house at some of the Strip's most famous and luxurious hotels. He's a business owner, supportive of the little guys, the big guys and understands first-hand what makes this city great. After all, he plays an active role in shaping it.

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